Yesterday we looked at a high end case from SilverStone and today we’re looking at one from Gigabyte. At first it might seem strange that a company associated with components would bring out a range of cases. But actually it makes a lot of sense for the company that manufactures components to also make the thing that you put them in. Besides, competitors such as AOpen have done well selling cases for some time, while Asus also recently added cases to its line-up, so Gigabyte probably thought that it was about time it did so too. |
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If you’re thinking of building a new PC it’s worth giving some thought as to what case you’re going to be putting your components into. The first thing to consider are it’s aesthetics as the thing will most likely be on show for much of the time so you don’t want to go for something that’s going to turn your stomach. Then you’ll need one that will have enough room for expansion and one that’s not too difficult to work with. But then you have to take the cost into account. If you’re not prepared to put much of your PC building budget towards your system then look away now – this SilverStone case will set you back £100. You can get it for £10 less if you forgo the front panel LCD display but it seems churlish to pass on a neat little feature. You can also get the case with a windows panel but Scan is asking a full £40 more for that, which seems well over the odds to me. |
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Though it had a few flaws, we were quite happy with Thermaltake's Tsunami Dream. With a solid aluminum case at a bargain price, the Tsunami Dream was styling. Now, the company is producing what could best be described as a lower-cost alternative. The Soprano is more of an entry-level case, made to offer the same basic look-and-feel in a sub-$100 package. |
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The original Antec Sonata was one of our favorite cases. Introduced more than two years ago, it married especially quiet operation with simple, clean aesthetics at a reasonable price. In those last two years, the PC market has changed a bit. Processors and graphics cards run hotter than ever, requiring ever-louder cooling solutions and better airflow. The original Sonata, though a mainstay in several of our Build It configurations, really isn't appropriate for today's cutting-edge components. It doesn't provide enough airflow for 100-watt CPUs, nor does it come with a big enough power supply. |
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Are you looking for a cool case for your new gaming system? Then you might want to consider one of the solutions from MGE. Excellent thermal conditions for the entire system, modern design, and easy assembly – these are the key benefits of the cases in discussion. Read more about the extreme testing of these babies in our new review! |
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Aspire seems to be a company that does not mind marching to the beat of a different drummer. We have seen more boldly themed cases from Aspire than just about any other case manufacturer out there. This is not a bad thing at all though, as many, such as the X-Navigator we reviewed last year, actually represent a very good performance per dollar niche especially for the gamers out there. |
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When it comes time to build your own PC, you obviously face down a plethora of tough choices. Not the least of which is "What houses all the myriad of hot and noisy components that make up today's high performance PC?" Choosing a good enclosure is no slim task. You could go for the strictly economical route, buying whatever cheap box gets the job done. Maybe you're more concerned about flash than anything else, so you want a case with a clear window, funky colors, and a unique shape. If you like to push the performance envelope, ventilation, cooling, and plenty of space are probably key considerations. There's a big push toward quiet PCs these days, with many builders opting to take a little less performance if it means running a few decibels quieter. |
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If like me, you think that buying a pre-built PC is cheating, then you’ll know how important it is to find a good case in which to base your project. Even with more choice than ever it’s still hard to find a really good case and I still haven’t found what I would consider to be the perfect case. SilverStone and Enermax have sent us two full tower cases, and even though the trend seems to be towards the small form factor box these days, some of us still crave an large, imposing box under our desk. |
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