We're not sure who thinks up these names. It brings to mind visions of worlds where dark mages do battle with Paladins for world domination. Maybe that's what Intel had in mind when they came up with the name. |
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We're not sure who thinks up these names. It brings to mind visions of worlds where dark mages do battle with Paladins for world domination. Maybe that's what Intel had in mind when they came up with the name.
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VIA Technologies Inc. started shipping its current family of x86 processors in early 2000. Seven major versions—culminating in the VIA C7 processor—have shipped through the end of 2007. While compatible with the x86 instruction-set architecture, the internal architecture of these processors is very different from other x86 processor designs. This unique internal architecture yields processors that are significantly smaller (lower cost) and use significantly less power than other x86 processors from AMD™ and Intel®. |
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AMD might be down, but it's certainly not out. Though delays and lackluster performance have been plaguing its latest line of desktop products, the Phenom CPUs, surfing message boards reveals that there's still a contingent of AMD fans willing to stick with the company through its extended period of woe.
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The Intel juggernaut continued to roll forward in 2007, but all eyes were on AMD. Intel continued to recapture market share from its main competitor. The world's largest semiconductor company aggressively shipped new products, and even managed to slip in one CPU based on the company's shiny new 45nm manufacturing process before year's end.
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Phenom is here. Today, you can actually go out and buy AMD "true quad core" Phenom CPUs. As Jason Cross noted in his earlier Phenom preview, AMD is shipping its Phenom 9500 (2.2Ghz) and Phenom 9600 (2.3GHz) CPUs. A Phenom 9600 will set you back about $275—not too shabby for a quad-core CPU. In fact, that $275 puts it in the same price category as Intel's Core 2 Quad Q6600, which cost around $280.
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Intel has been selling quad-core CPUs for what seems like ages now, with current products ranging from the Core 2 Q6600 up to the new QX9650. The latter is based on Intel's new Yorkfield processor refresh at 45nm. AMD, then, is late to the quad-core party. Having just launched its new 4-core "Barcelona" Opteron processors for servers, AMD is now catching up on the desktop front with the same architecture for desktop chips. |
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The last time Intel moved an existing CPU line to a new manufacturing process was with the ill-fated Presler / Cedar Mill CPU. Presler was a dual core derivative of the Pentium 4 architecture. Those were in the bad old days, where clock frequency was king and real men ran processors that generated blast furnace heat levels. Moving to 65nm was supposed to mitigate the Pentium 4's tendency to eat power like a pig in a slop trough. |
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