So you just plopped down a significant amount of dough to build or buy one killer gaming rig. But you may be missing a pair of peripherals that make the ride sweeter when you fire up Crysis for the first time or revisit the nether regions in World of Warcraft. Now that you've tossed aside your old weakling computer, we'll give you some reasons why you should add your old mouse and keyboard to that pile. |
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Now that the fallout has cleared after reviewing some high-end gaming mice like the SideWinder, G9, and the 4000dpi Lachesis, we felt it was due time to look into Ideazon's latest creation, the Reaper Edge, which comes more than a year after Ideazon first entered this fiercely crowded gaming market. |
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Just when we thought the world wasn't big enough for another gaming mouse, Razer unveils the Lachesis—a 4000 dpi behemoth. Not sure how fast that is? Take your average mouse and multiply its speed and sensitivity by five. Most non-gaming mice clock in around the 800 dpi range, while today's gaming mice peak at a blistering 3200 dpi. Razer's Speedy Gonzales (if you will) reminds us of a popular quote from Nvidia Chief Scientist David Kirk: "Why use a screwdriver when you can use a sledgehammer?" |
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Bon Jovi. Roger Clemens. The mullet. And now add the SideWinder to the list of comebacks. Microsoft yanks its SideWinder brand out of early retirement to reincarnate it as a gaming mouse to help bolster their line of gaming peripherals. Unlike the Habu, Microsoft didn't have Razer as their wingman to co-create the SideWinder—they're flying this mission solo.
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We've been waiting a while for Logitech to come out with a gaming mouse that could rival their popular G5. The G5's combination of comfort and precision has stood the test of time in our build it configurations, not to mention is a popular commodity in many off-the-shelf gaming systems. But two years has been an awful long time—long enough for other companies to release gaming mice to rival the G5's dominance. |
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Ever want to use your computer mouse like a Wii controller? Instead of playing a boxing or tennis game like you would on Nintendo's console, the Logitech MX Air lets you sit back in a chair and command a computer with movements through the air. This sure beats hunching over to reach for a standard mouse or searching for a flat surface in the living room. |
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Don't knock the VerticalMouse 3 because it doesn't sport a kooky, odd façade like its ergonomic rivals. Evoluent's sequel to the VerticalMouse 2 boasts an improved design and several new features, making it a very capable mouse in the hands of all types of users. |
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Who would have guessed that a computer mouse can be a form of self-expression? Just what we need—another thing in the world that says "look at me!" Although a gaming mouse is a dead giveaway of your enthusiast status, it also has practical advantages: Gamers need high dpi, extra buttons, and, like everyone else, a comfy shape. |
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