To keep up with the AnandTech tradition, we'll open the covers on the latest upgrade performed at the AnandTech NOC Facility a few months ago. This latest upgrade focused on an enterprise database platform change, and a security infrastructure upgrade. We apologize for the delay, but there has been so much going on after the upgrade that this article took a bit of a back seat.
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Intel might be changing the naming conventions, but AMD is changing the whole core. Here comes Newcastle... |
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Does Pentium M excite you too? This week we have some upcoming information on the release schedule for Dothan, as well as Itanium 2 and Xeon release dates. |
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With Dothan and Socket T on the way, Intel's newest marketing decision may be something right out of AMD's playbook. |
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Or how I learned to stop worrying and let AMD change the rating on its upcoming Socket 939 processors. Updated roadmaps inside. |
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