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 Forsiden Anmeldelser INT Side 4

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07 21/3-2007 

At this point in time you’d find it hard to argue against the success of Nintendo’s Wii. Since it launched the Wii has sold by the bucket load, and it’s still hard to get hold of in Europe. Part of that success must certainly be placed at the door of Wii Sports, the bundled title that’s done more than any game to introduce buyers to the Wii experience.
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S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl 19/3-2007 

One always approaches delayed games with a certain level of caution. History is strewn with a collection of hotly anticipated flops that slipped from one delay to another, with final products that mirrored the anarchy in which they were created.
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Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 14/3-2007 

I guess Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 (GRAW2) had some of the faint praise it’s been damned with coming. First you make a dazzling game that arguably defines what we expect from next-gen gaming, then you follow it up a scant twelve months later with a sequel that – at a glance – looks virtually indistinguishable from its predecessor. Setting the game back in Mexico only makes things worse. Is this really a sequel, an update, a 1.5 revision or just a glorified expansion pack? Can Ubisoft really expect us to cough up around £40 to find out?
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Sonic and the Secret Rings 7/3-2007 

If you’re expecting the second coming of Sonic, or his first genuinely classic foray in 3D, prepare for some disappointment. It’s not that Sonic and the Secret Rings is a disaster, but neither is it the game we might have hoped for.
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Final Fantasy XII 28/2-2007 

There’s an unwritten law when it comes to reviewing RPGs. “Thou shalt not compare Japanese and Western variations on the genre.” Up to a point this makes sense, Japanese RPGs are very different from their western equivalents, prizing narrative flow and intricate combat strategy over freedom of choice and deep character development. All the same, it’s hard not to notice that while Western RPGs have spent the last few years creating a more streamlined, accessible experience, Japanese RPGs seem to have got stuck in a rut. The graphics have been getting prettier, the English translations and voicework have improved beyond all recognition, but the gameplay has stayed still, with the same turn-based battles, irritating random encounters and over-complex game mechanics that bothered many of us with Final Fantasy VII. The best games from Bioware, Obsidian and Bethesda have held onto what made the US RPG special while still finding hooks to grab a mainstream audience. Isn’t it time for a game that does the same for the Japanese experience?
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Crackdown 21/2-2007 

First of all it was branded a simple GTA clone, albeit one with interesting cel-shaded graphics. Then it was regarded as the sort of lightweight effort that needed a bundled entry to a Halo 3 beta to make sure it flew off the shelves. Well, it turns out that we were wrong on both counts.
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Vanguard: Saga of Heroes 14/2-2007 

Welcome, if you will, to the third-age of MMORPGs. Let’s say the first began with Ultima Online, EverQuest, Asheron’s Call and Dark Age of Camelot – games that had a deep appeal for a particular audience, but could never quite manage to attract a mainstream following. Then came the second age. City of Heroes, World of Warcraft, Eve and Guild Wars started to knock out the elements of the genre that put off the majority of gamers, and perfectly suited those who had just taken up broadband and were looking for something to do with it. Well, now we’re ready for a third age; a range of games that, essentially, take the post-WoW MMORPG as a starting point and run from there.
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Okami 7/2-2007 

We always knew it would age well, but over six years after its UK launch the PS2 has turned into the Clint Eastwood of the console world, still quietly knocking out classics at a time when its last-generation peers have quietly retired to a life of inactivity bar the occasional EA or Activision franchise update. Impressively Okami is only one of a series of exclusive heavy hitters launching in the UK in the next five months. More impressively, when many so-called next-generation games struggle to make a visual or emotional impression, it’s a game that almost effortlessly does both. So, if you’ve relegated the old Sony system to the attic or kid’s bedroom, then it’s time you reclaimed it right now. It’s time to say hello to the first truly essential game of the year.
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Dagens Prisfald

1. Epson T034640 (Blæk Original)
Pris: 169 kr. (98%)
2. Epson T034740 (Blæk Original)
Pris: 169 kr. (98%)
3. Epson S053003 (Toner Original)
Pris: 399 kr. (91%)
4. 50 Cent - Bulletproof (Limited Edition) (Playstation 2)
Pris: 69 kr. (85%)
5. Fight Night - Round 3 (Playstation 2)
Pris: 28 kr. (85%)

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Nyeste produkter

1. Western Digital Elements Black 1.5TB
2. My Name Is Bruce
(Region 2)
3. My Sisters Keeper
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4. National Lampoons Christmas Vacation - Fars Fede Juleferie
(Region 2)
5. Near Dark
(Region 2)

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Nye Artikler

1. Computex Taipei 2008: Dag 3
2. Computex Taipei 2008: Dag 2
3. Computex Taipei 2008: Dag 1
4. Computex Taipei 2007 - Dag 5: Highlights & Wildcards
5. Computex Taipei 2007 - Dag 3 og 4

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Ugens Prisfald

1. Epson T034640 (Blæk Original)
Pris: 169 kr. (98%)
2. Epson S053003 (Toner Original)
Pris: 399 kr. (91%)
3. Football Manager 2007 (PSP)
Pris: 49 kr. (86%)
4. 50 Cent - Bulletproof (Limited Edition) (Playstation 2)
Pris: 69 kr. (85%)
5. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2006 (GameCube)
Pris: 15 kr. (84%)

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