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4. The Godfather 2 (PS3)
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1. Logitech Cordless Desktop MX 5500 Revolution Review
2. Dell XPS M1730 Gaming Laptop Review
3. Logitech Harmony One Universal Remote Review
4. Gateway P-171XL Gaming Laptop Review
5. Skulltrail: A Preview of Intel's Beast

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Microsoft Media Center 2005 Keyboard 3/11-2005 

Historically, Microsoft’s dominance in the market used to create an almost continual rumble of disquiet but over the past few years that righteous indignation seems to have tailed off. When it comes to Microsoft’s Media Center Edition 2005 you’ll get no complaints from me about that as it’s easily the finest ten-foot media interface around. Much to the amusement of my less geeky friends I’ve had a PC under my TV in the lounge for several years in one form or another, but it’s never been more pleasurable to use since I built an MCE 2005 system.
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Logitech's G15 Gaming Keyboard 12/10-2005 

Logitech was among the first vendors to come out with gaming-focused PC mice, offering higher precision and better performance at a premium price. Though the company's continued that tradition over the last couple years, as well as developing and selling traditional gaming peripherals like joysticks and gamepads for years, only recently has Logitech seen fit to give PC gaming peripherals their own product line.
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Saitek Eclipse Keyboard 30/9-2005 

Saitek is a brand well known for its gaming controllers but it might come as a surprise to find that it also offers gaming keyboards. What, you may well wonder, actually is a gaming keyboard. After all, most keyboards have the keys in more or less the same place and can be used for any game. This is certainly true, but with the eclipse, Saitek has cleverly latched onto the fact that many gamers like to play in the dark. If you’ve ever fired up a scary game with your headphones on, you’ll know how effective a dark environment can be to really draw you into the game.
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Mobile Bluetooth Keyboard Head 2 Head 30/7-2005 

Since most mobile devices are now Bluetooth enabled, the idea of a Bluetooth keyboard makes perfect sense. Today we’re looking at two different types of keyboard, one more traditional than the other. First up is the Freedom keyboard, which looks very much like any other foldable keyboard.
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The 21st Century's Programmable Keyboard 18/5-2005 

Imagine that, during a fierce fit of rage during a gaming experience, you took hold of your keyboard, threw it against the wall, and clumsily picked up the keys and placed them exactly as you wanted them laid out on a tray near the computer. What if, for some strange reason, you decided to press these keys only to discover that they still work?
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i.Tech Bluetooth Virtual Keyboard 14/5-2005 

In this business I come across many different types of products – some of them are functional, some are revolutionary and some are just dull and utilitarian. But once in a while something lands on my desk that is just so damn cool that I can’t help but want it, whether I need it or not.
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The Ergonomic-Friendly RollerMousePRO 7/3-2005 

Recently, Contour Design announced the release of its second-generation RollerMouse, aptly titled the RollerMousePRO. Contour's RollerMouse series is designed to reduce or eliminate the need for a mouse by offering a "rollerbar" and set of buttons below the keyboard to navigate and click with a cursor. So the Rollermouse isn't, technically, a mouse. Makes perfect sense, right?
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Microsoft Optical Desktop with Fingerprint Reader 1/2-2005 

There’s an awful lot going on under the skin of a modern PC. To comprehend it all would be a feat quite beyond most users, so we tend to take our machines at home and at the office for granted.
We often forget that not too long ago most written communication took the form of letters and faxes, and the concept of being able to look something up on the Internet was as foreign to us then, as going to the library to do some research is to the teenagers of today.
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Dagens Prisfald

1. Epson T034640 (Blæk Original)
Pris: 169 kr. (98%)
2. Epson T034740 (Blæk Original)
Pris: 169 kr. (98%)
3. Epson S053003 (Toner Original)
Pris: 399 kr. (91%)
4. 50 Cent - Bulletproof (Limited Edition) (Playstation 2)
Pris: 69 kr. (85%)
5. Fight Night - Round 3 (Playstation 2)
Pris: 28 kr. (85%)

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Nyeste produkter

1. Western Digital Elements Black 1.5TB
2. My Name Is Bruce
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4. National Lampoons Christmas Vacation - Fars Fede Juleferie
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5. Near Dark
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Nye Artikler

1. Computex Taipei 2008: Dag 3
2. Computex Taipei 2008: Dag 2
3. Computex Taipei 2008: Dag 1
4. Computex Taipei 2007 - Dag 5: Highlights & Wildcards
5. Computex Taipei 2007 - Dag 3 og 4

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Ugens Prisfald

1. Epson T034640 (Blæk Original)
Pris: 169 kr. (98%)
2. Epson S053003 (Toner Original)
Pris: 399 kr. (91%)
3. Football Manager 2007 (PSP)
Pris: 49 kr. (86%)
4. 50 Cent - Bulletproof (Limited Edition) (Playstation 2)
Pris: 69 kr. (85%)
5. Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2006 (GameCube)
Pris: 15 kr. (84%)

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